What A Rush
OK, I admit it: I have been a Tom Rush folkie fangirl since back in 19— let’s just say, “a while”.
He and I both hail from New England, so I guess there’s that. But Tom Rush is also a consummate singer-songwriter, and that is why I have closely followed his career for decades.
Tom’s got it all: a mellow voice with just a whiff of appealing gruffness, an acoustic guitar style that is killer (I mean, he can make a guitar sound like a train entering Union Station in Washington, DC - seriously!), and a down-to-earth performance style that immediately connects with his live audiences. He is so self-deprecating that one of his signature quips to his audience as he is about to sing is, “and now, a medley of my HIT.”
Although he is well known for performing and recording songs by other artists (e.g., Joni Mitchell’s “Urge for Going” and David Wiffen’s “Lost My Driving Wheel”), Tom’s own songwriting is top-notch. One of his most memorable songs, well-known to folk music aficionados, is “No Regrets” (which, if it doesn’t make you cry when you hear it, check your pulse). There’s this stripped down version of the song (lovely!) and a more polished production. I have also heard “No Regrets” done live, and each version is awesome and magical.
Another, somewhat more recent Tom Rush piece is a song that I have lately included in my own set, and it’s called “River Song”. It’s a study in simplicity, imagery and understatement. I love it.
So, back to being a fangirl… I have had the opportunity to see Tom perform live on several occasions. One time was in Symphony Hall in Boston - an oddly opulent place for such an aw-shucks performer like Tom. And I once traveled 20 miles in a blinding snow storm in upstate New York to see him play in a small college auditorium (with maybe a 100 people in attendance - I blame the weather). And only a couple of years ago, Tom came to the Isis Music Hall in Asheville, NC. He gave another amazing live performance that night, and on top of all that, I got to meet and chat with my idol when he greeted fans in the lobby after the show.
I melted.