Recurring Themes

I used to think that every song I write should be a completely fresh, unique idea - you can imagine that after a few dozen songs, that would start to get pretty challenging!

And while I no longer really fret about the need for uniqueness (uh, how many “lost-my-lover-to-another” songs are out there?), I have noticed that there are recurring themes, or at least references, in many of my songs. Fellow songwriters - same for you?

For example - the sea. Ah, the sea. Here is a partial list of my songs that mention the beach, ocean, etc. (most are unrecorded, in case yer wonderin’):

At The Sunny Shore

Joni And The King

My Boat’s In The Water (But It Won’t Float)

North Star

Until The Ocean Leaves The Bay

Where I Wanna Be

Will The Sea Leave The Salt Behind?

Yeah, you could say the sea is kinda part of me…  

And coffee! Yup, I mention coffee a lot in my lyrics. And the “outta bed, grabbing keys, driving to work” thing - another common theme in my songs. 

So, is this “recurring theme” stuff a bad thing? I don’t think so. After all, we are all products of our environment and upbringings. Those experiences are the well of our creativity. I was born and raised a few miles from the Atlantic Ocean in a suburb of Boston, MA. The call of seagulls was like familiar conversation. The salty fog dimmed our days in the chilly spring. Clams are yummy. And now that I live in the mountains of North Carolina (which I love, BTW), I feel a strong urge to return to the ocean now and then. Because it’s part of me.

As for coffee? Two words: Dunkin’ Donuts. And as for getting up and going to work? Universal experience, that is.

Approaching lyrics from a sensory experience (which I tend to do), it is only natural to gravitate to the sights, smells, sounds, tastes and tactile sensations of that which is familiar and meaningful to us as songwriters. 

So, writers of songs - what are your recurring themes?

Patty MComment